Paper and Packaging
As one of the top ten industries in the U.S. economy with shipments exceeding $1.5 trillion per year and hundreds of thousands of employees, the paper industry appears to be alive and well. Annual production of paper, paperboard, paper for packaging and tissues continues to climb steadily; only the newsprint market segment has experienced declines.
A strong paper industry is vital in maintaining U.S. competitiveness in the global market. Currently, the US accounts for 30% of the world's paper and paperboard and 35% of the world's pulp. Biolithe will help the U.S. maintain its position as the world's top producer by facilitating responsible end-of-life treatments for paper and paper products and taking a leading position in combating climate change through methane gas reduction.
The Paper Chain
With the introduction of Biolithe, the end-of-life stage is now as critical a part of the "paper chain" as forest conservation and renewal, recycling, energy capture and use, and other means to improve sustainability.
It's an important component of the "corporate food chain" as well. Paper and packaging companies incorporate Biolithe into their products, and retailers and consumers embrace and purchase these environmental friendly brands and products. Demand increases, which helps boost paper and packaging manufacturers' businesses while significantly decreasing the production of methane gas. It's a win/win for all involved.
The Process
Biolithe is a natural, readily available compound that is cost effective and does not interfere with a products' recyclability. Further, it is compatible with all aspects of paper manufacturing, and can be implemented at various points in the production of a product. Below are several examples:
Chipboard. The bonded wood particles in chipboard form a rigid board with a relatively smooth surface that is perfect for the backs of notepads, business forms and stacks of scrapbooking paper. Chipboard manufacturers can add Biolithe during the starching and/or sizing process.
Fine Writing Papers. Elegant stationery, cards and invitations are created using 100% cotton fibers. Because all cotton fiber paper is sized at some point in the manufacturing process, Biolithe is added during the sizing process so that it is actually integrated into the fibers.
Packaging. Incorporating Biolithe into packaging materials is a different process than for chipboard and fine stationery. Once the packaging has been produced, Biolithe is mixed with the protective aqueous coating that is applied during the final stages of the printing process, prior to the die cutting and folding of the package. If the package requires a mounted sheet, Biolithe can also be added to the glue during the mounting process.
Corrugated. For corrugated products, Biolithe can be added to the starch-based adhesive that bonds the fluted paper to the flat linerboard. It can also be sprayed on the board during the drying process at the end of the line.
Landfill Management
Methane, a major constituent of landfill gas, starts to form as soon as solid waste is placed in the landfill and typically continues for 20-50 years after the facility is dormant. Therefore, it is not surprising that America's landfills, all 1,812 of them, collectively constitute the second largest source of this harmful, heat-trapping gas.
Turning Negative to Positive
Current landfill management measures include passive and active systems that collect, control and treat these gases in order to optimize methane capture. Most operators simply burn off the collected methane, a process known as "flaring." Some, while still flaring the excess, are also exploring ways to use methane gas to generate electricity, fire boilers or substitute for other energy sources, thereby turning a potential liability into a benefit.
Whichever strategy (or combination of strategies) landfill operators may implement, Biolithe can play a valuable role by enabling them to better control the timing and quantity of methane release.
Landfill as Laboratory
For reasons of necessity, or because valid environmental concerns and aggressive public policies demand it, landfills are turning into scientific laboratories to showcase and test new methane management solutions. Some of these methods include:
- Waste-to-energy operations. With state of the art filtration systems, waste-to-energy facilities convert standard municipal waste into electricity and heat. Currently, European developments in this area have far exceeded our own. The U.S. has only 87 government-owned incinerating plants, and they are older, less efficient facilities that account for a paltry 7% of our solid waste and spew out dioxins, mercury and other toxic byproducts in the process.
- Landfill methane sequestration. These projects have been heavily endorsed and encouraged by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to offset the use and cost of carbon fuels, reduce unwanted emissions and improve local air quality. Unfortunately, only 25% of U.S. landfills collect gas for energy; those that do lose upwards of 25% of greenhouse gases to fugitive emissions. To make matters worse, when excess methane is flared-off it leaves behind carcinogenic pollutants.
- Improved landfill designs. Some landfills are increasing oxidation levels to help prevent methanogenic bacteria from consuming organic waste. Others achieve reduced methane production by installing re-circulatory, semi-aerobic systems using collection piping and air blowers.

A Long Way to Go
These new technologies, along with other initiatives sponsored by educational institutions, corporations and the federal government, are promising. However, their implementation has been slow and incomplete, even as our solid waste production mounts. For better or worse, due to the availability of cheap land, political roadblocks in environmental legislation and the throw-away behaviors of our consuming mass society, it appears that landfills will be our primary means of waste disposal for many years to come.
A Big Head Start
The integration of Biolithe into paper and packaging products, and their eventual arrival in our nation's landfills, will provide landfill operators with an opportunity to improve their methane-reduction and waste-to-energy efforts.
This is critical if we are to reduce greenhouse gases before irreversible environmental damage is done. Working together, we can all do our part individually and as a global community to improve and protect the health of our planet.
Corporate Sustainability
As a Corporate Leader "What are you doing today to make a difference for tomorrow?"
How a company manages its environmental footprint, its carbon emissions, non carbon emissions, water, land – its product manufacturing life cycle is key to your overall success as a corporate leader. Success in these areas today will determine how a company is viewed in the future. What are your climate change policies and performance, pollution policies and performance, product manufacturing impact, environmental stewardship and management?
- Do you have a program that addresses these questions?
At what point do you get started?
When to move your company to the next step in meeting your environmental responsibility
Corporate Sustainability is a business strategy that creates long-term shareholder value by embracing opportunities (innovation) and managing risks deriving from Economic, Environmental and Social business development. Biolithe is a company positioned to provide assistance in all three areas with one innovative product.
Here's what leading companies are focusing on in their Sustainability programs:
- End-of-Life Product Management
Craddle to Grave life-cycle Responsibility
Green Innovation
Post Consumer Landfill Contribution
Reuse, Reduce and Recycle
Goal | Achieve |
Reduce Company GHG's emissions | End of Life Responsibility |
Improve brand management and product identity | Brand Excellence |
Add flexibility into your marketing program | Maximize Packaging ROI with alternative solutions |
Increase revenue and net present value per product sold and improved profitability | Profitability |
Strengthen your sustainability score, measured on green impact, policies and reputation | Green Sustainability |
Driver of Business Model Innovation | Market Leadership |
Drive Top Line and Bottom Line Performance | Profitability |
Why Paper Packaging and Biolithe?
By using Biolithe to treat your packaging you will directly help our environment replenish itself starting today! The problem simply stated – "The Earth's ability to replenish itself is currently at a 1 and we are using it at a rate of 1.25, at this rate we need 8 earths to sustain Global pollution rates."
Todays society has an enormous thirst for products and the packaging used to move it. Companies bring their products at Point of Sales in Paper Displays and Packaging - This is in direct conflict with the health of our environment. It takes an large amount of natural resources to meet this need. "It is up to corporations to lead this charge, we have the most to lose if we fail" Biolithe deployed in to your corporate environmental business strategy will directly support your long-term economic, environmental and social development – you will directly effect what most likely is your most important communication mechanisms. Biolithe will play an integral part of your overall business strategy while maintaining global competitiveness and brand reputation.
Fostering loyalty by investing in product packaging innovation, Biolithe is the only paper and board additive designed to control the release of greenhouse gases.
- Achieve strong shelf presence and premium look of your product on shelves. Maximize your display units effectiveness
- Environmentally supportive packaging because consumers are aware of its impact on our environment
- Convert from plastic (polystyrene) to paper. Less energy in manufacturing, cost saving in shipping, storage and maintenance
- Identify your product as green friendly – adding the Biolithe Bug to your other green product endorsements will increase sales
What You Can Do – Collaboration with Your Suppliers
Speak with your packaging suppliers and integrate Biolithe into your Packaging today! Better manage your products and brand by making a direct effort to control its life cycle.
By creating an open dialogue about sustainability issues with your supply chain partners you will increase efficiency, spur innovation and creativity and deliver better, more competitive products to your customers.
- Cost – less then 1%
- Time – immediate implementation
- Flexibility
- Reduce packaging by per pound of product produced
- Increase the amount of packaging made of renewable resources
- Increase the use of recycled content
Here is how you get started
Building corporate sustainability and consumer goodwill.
Companies now more then ever must deliver a definition of success that sustains business, planet and people. According to top management consultants, companies committed to corporate sustainability are achieving above-average stock market performance and enjoying benefits such as improved risk management, stronger competitive position and improved access to capital. Most believe that corporate sustainability is synonymous with corporate survival. This is achieved by gearing corporate strategies and management of the business by harnessing the market's potential with sustainable products and services while at the same time successfully reducing and avoiding costs and risks.
Therefore leading companies must display integrity and conviction to produce products responsibly...
CO2, Methane and Biolithe
Usually when told to reduce our carbon footprint, we assume that means CO2, and the reduction of CO2 is key to our long-term sustainable growth. Companies are targeting their efforts and resources looking for the biggest immediate and sustainable impact, the reduction of methane emissions will have that fast and overwhelming impact.
You will be able to move the economic "needle" faster and farther by embracing an effective sustainability program. Scientists have found that methane's global warming potential is 62 times greater than that of carbon dioxide. Further, it remains in the atmosphere for only 12-17 years, as opposed to carbon dioxide, which has a lifespan of 50-200 years. Therefore, reducing methane emissions, and targeting your packaging in doing so, will have an immediate positive effect on the environment and at the same time driving greater sales volume, and more revenue at Point of Sales (POS), building the brand.
By using Biolithe, you will be significantly reducing the amount of methane gas that is generated by packaging that your products generate as they reach landfills.
Please click here and one of our Biolithe associates will be glad yo assist you.
Schools and Government
With widespread concern and growing federal intervention into greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and other sustainability challenges, more and more universities, schools and government agencies are strengthening their environmental policies and launching earth-friendly initiatives to reduce their carbon footprints.
Many institutions are achieving great strides in this area, in particular by focusing on their paper consumption. They are implementing comprehensive recycling programs and looking for other innovative ways to cut back their usage. Now these organizations can take their efforts one step further, by insisting that the paper and packaging products they DO use be treated with Biolithe.
Corporate Sustainability is a business strategy that creates long-term shareholder value by embracing opportunities (innovation) and managing risks deriving from Economic, Environmental and Social business development. Biolithe is a company positioned to provide assistance in all three areas with one innovative product.
A Federal Case
Under a new executive mandate, all federal agencies must report on their current progress and develop a strategic action plan to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprints. Using paper and packaging products made with Biolithe can be a cornerstone of these plans, as they can significantly reduce the amount of methane gas that is generated in the landfills when these products break down.
Making the Grade
In a testament to its critical importance and complexity, many educational institutions are now offering degree certification programs in sustainability. At the same time, they are being graded on their own sustainability performance. Many are achieving high marks for their innovative programs, including school-wide recycling, purchasing food from local farms, using renewable energy sources and cutting carbon emissions. Switching to paper and packaging products made with Biolithe can augment those programs significantly.
What You Can Do?
Speak to your paper and packaging suppliers, and ask that they consider integrating Biolithe into their production processes. If they refuse, consider finding another vendor. For a list of paper and packaging manufacturers that use Biolithe, click here.
Be sure to let your students, colleagues and clients know about all of your green initiatives. Not only are your earth-friendly efforts good for the planet, but they may inspire other academic and governmental organizations to follow suit.